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Building a Strong European Core: Navigating Economic, Political and Societal Challenge
Explore the key topics of our 2025 conference, including all our panels and workshops!
The Annual Central European Conference, organized by the UofL Czech & Slovak Societies with the support of the LSESU, aims to bring together Czech, Slovak, and other interested students and professionals in London, to enable discussions of contemporary issues. For several years, it has provided a platform for discussing key topics, challenges, and opportunities that will transform Central Europe in the forthcoming future.

Participants will have an opportunity to hear from and network with regional academics, public figures, and professionals from numerous fields to uncover how to tackle a myriad of current challenges and seize opportunities.

The 2025 Conference will feature eight panel discussions, and workshops on topics ranging from economics to sustainability, international relations, research and development, and engaging keynote and closing speeches. Come and join us for a day full of inspiring people and fruitful discussions, and use the unique opportunity to meet like-minded students and professionals interested in the region and future of Central Europe!

Our Vision

Part of our growth experience has been to continually encourage Czech and Slovak students living abroad, but also students interested in the given regions, to keep connected and curious about the contemporary issues facing the Central European landscape. The conference is meant to serve as neutral platform, providing a safe space for students to hone their debating skills, network with key figures and expand their knowledge and horizons across knowledge fields.
Our long-term vision is to transform the conference into a mobile project that would allow us to expand the intellectual renown of Central European countries abroad, making the forum representative of the region as closely as possible.
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Iveta Radicova - CE Conference 2022 testimonial

Iveta Radičová

Former Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic
CE Conference connected great panelists and participants from an international environment.
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Tomas Sedlacek - CE Conference 2022 testimonial

Tomáš Sedláček

Chief Macroeconomic Strategist at ČSOB
I was amazed how well the conference went, both with regards to the selection of speakers and the environment at the conference.
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Martin M. Simecka - CE Conference 2022 testimonial

Martin M. Šimečka

Slovak Journalist and Author
Organisers of political rallies could only dream of the charm present at this conference organised by Slovak and Czech students.

Our History

Since the first Central European Conference was held in 2017, we have experienced immense growth in the number of attendees, team members, and public speakers over the course of five years. With the initial 200+ attendees, we are now awaiting over double the participants in the upcoming 2025 conference venue.

Each consecutive year, we focus on reaching more people interested in discussing and sharing their ideas. We strive to invite a variety of diverse speakers who can influence and share their personal stories, inspiring others on their journeys. Throughout the years, we have had the honor to have influential speakers such as Karel Kovy Kovář, Iveta Radičová, Martin M. Šimečka, Pavel Fischer, Michael Žantovský, Timothy Garton-Ash, and many more.