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Archive 2023

Read all about our last conference’s wide range of topics
The overall structure of the CE Conference is built upon three main pillars - panels, roundtable discussions, and workshops. Each of these components offers a distinct topic and method in which participants engage, allowing them to tackle a wide range of relevant issues facing Central Europe from different angles. Be it social, economic, political or cultural, we deliver an opportunity to explore all in this comprehensive experience!

CEC 2023 aimed to and succeeded at bringing together the Czech and Slovak communities in the UK to explore possible career pathways as well as to provide a platform for a discussion of contemporary issues, threats, and opportunities that Central Europe faces today. Today, this year at the Central European Conference 2025, we hope to continue our mission through a new lens.

Pathways: Building (Y)our Future

The Central European Conference 2023, under the title Pathways: Building (Y)our Future, focused on the prospective sectors for a career in our region, looking at the future of its markets, and discussing contemporary issues, threats, and opportunities that Central Europe offers.

We aim to build a strong community of Czechs and Slovaks living, working, and studying abroad, and to explore the current geopolitical position of CE in the world. We want to provide an overview of the latest trends and respective opportunities, encouraging students and young professionals to find their career interests while also inspiring them to give back and keep in touch with the region by trying to unveil its potential.
Our long-term vision is to transform the conference into a mobile project which would allow us to expand the intellectual renown of the Central European countries abroad, making the forum representative of the region as closely as possible. 


A panel brings together a small number of speakers who investigate a specific issue. Each of them is given time to present their view, followed by an in-depth discussion. The panel also engages with the audience, taking in questions directed either at the panel as a whole, or at specific speakers.


A roundtable is a structured discussion through which participants are confronted with a specific issue. It often takes the form of a loose debate, with each speaker given equal time to present their solutions and deliberations regarding the issue.


Workshops are one of the smaller units of the CE conference. They have only a few speakers who heavily engage with the participants. The aim of these workshops is practical outcomes, sometimes in the form of a policy brief, sometimes in the form of a new skill.