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CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism


Investigating the meaning of liberalism across generations
CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism
The recent history of the CE region oversaw a dramatic malleability within its political systems and overarching values. Moreover, recent developments across the region have put its democratic resilience to the test, bringing to the fore concerns about the rights and values fought for by dissidents. This roundtable will invite representatives from different walks of life to discuss the state of liberalism within the region, as well as what liberalism in this day and age means to them. The discussion’s focus will primarily lie in the compatibility between liberal ideas and the CE region, as well as how liberalism needs to adapt to meet the diverse identities, values, and attitudes of the region.


Ryszard Petru - CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism Speaker
Ryszard Petru - CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism Speaker

Ryzsard Petru


Ryzsard Petru

Meet Ryszard Petru, a Polish MP, economist, and one of the speakers of our liberalism roundtable! He has frequently spoken out against the violations of the rule of law in Poland. He was a founder and chairman of the liberal Modern Party back in 2015, and MP in Polish Parliament.  Previously, as an economist, he has held positions as the chairman of the Association of Polish Economists, as well as working for the World Bank, where he focused on Hungarian and Polish affairs.  Currently he is running the Institute for Liberal Ideas focusing on economic freedom and the criticism of populism.

Meet Ryszard Petru, a Polish MP, economist, and one of the speakers of our liberalism roundtable! He has frequently spoken out against the violations of the rule of law in Poland. He was a founder and chairman of liberal Moder Party back in 2015, and MP in Polish Parliament.  Previously, as an economist, he has held positions as the chairman of the Association of Polish Economists, as well as working for the World Bank, where he focused on Hungarian and Polish affairs.  Currently he is running the Institute for Liberal Ideas focusing on economic freedom and the criticism of populism.

Michael Žantovský - CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism Speaker
Michael Žantovský - CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism Speaker

Michael Žantovský


Michael Žantovský

Meet Michael Žantovský, a Czech author, translator, former diplomat, and current director of the Václav Havel Library. He was one of the founding members of the Civic Forum (Občanské forum) before becoming their press spokesman. He went on to become the press secretary and adviser for the then-incumbent President and long-time friend, Václav Havel. His book, Václav Havel: A Life portrays an honest picture of the dissident, and he has also published a collection of Havel’s recipes, Kančí na dančím. He is a vocal observer of the Czech political scene, providing many insights into its compatibility with Havellian ideals. We look forward to welcoming him as part of our roundtable on liberalism.

Meet Michael Žantovský, a Czech author, translator, former diplomat, and current director of the Václav Havel Library. He was one of the founding members of the Civic Forum (Občanské Fórum) before becoming their press spokesman. He went on to become the press secretary and adviser for the then-incumbent President and long-time friend, Václav Havel. His book, Václav Havel: A Life portrays an honest picture of the dissident, and he has also published a collection of Havel’s recipes, Kančí na dančím. He is a vocal observer of the Czech political scene, providing many insights into its compatibility with Havellian ideals. We look forward to welcoming him as part of our roundtable on liberalism.

Krisztián Orbán - CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism Speaker
Krisztián Orbán - CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism Speaker

Krizstián Orbán


Krisztián Orbán

Krisztián Orbán has been a regular contributor to public discourse in Hungary for close to two decades. His contributions include blog posts, essays, lectures, and interviews, as well as two major studies on economic policy. He is the founder and CEO of Oriens, one of the region’s leading private equity companies. Mr Orban is a graduate of MIT Sloan, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and Corvinus University.

Krisztián Orbán has been a regular contributor to public discourse in Hungary for close to two decades. His contributions include blog posts, essays, lectures, and interviews, as well as two major studies on economic policy. He is the founder and CEO of Oriens, one of the region’s leading private equity companies. Mr Orban is a graduate of MIT Sloan, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and Corvinus University.

Jakub Kratochvíl - CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism Speaker
Jakub Kratochvíl - CE Conference 2022 - Liberalism Speaker

Jakub Kratochvíl


Jakub Kratochvíl

Meet Jakub Kratochvíl, a freelance videographer and editor from Slovakia. Having studied geography at Comenius University, he has involved himself in a number of civil-facing initiatives, from working as a primary school teacher, to volunteering for NGOs such as People in Need. As a videographer and editor, he has collaborated with numerous non-profit organisations and foundations, such as the Goethe-Institut, Greenpeace, and Živica, as well as working as a web editor and journalist at the magazine .týždeň. He is also one of the founders of the Slovak civic initiative Za slušné Slovensko, which was formed after the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée, Martina Kušnírová.

Meet Jakub Kratochvíl, a freelance videographer and editor from Slovakia. Having studied geography at Comenius University, he has involved himself in a number of civil-facing initiatives, from working as a primary school teacher, to volunteering for NGOs such as People in Need. As a videographer and editor, he has collaborated with numerous non-profit organisations and foundations, such as the Goethe-Institut, Greenpeace, and Živica, as well as working as a web editor and journalist at the magazine .týždeň. He is also one of the founders of the Slovak civic initiative Za slušné Slovensko, which was formed after the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée, Martina Kušnírová.


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