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The emigration of highly trained or qualified individuals from a particular country, also known as Brain drain, has been an issue in the Central European region ever since the revolutions of 1989. What can we do in order to reverse this phenomenon? What are the stories of the people who leave their home countries? Is Brain Drain inevitable? Can it be turned into Brain Gain? In this workshop we will discuss your stories, go over data from V4 countries and think about effective strategies to help fight this phenomenon.


Veronika Cigáneková - CE Conference 2022 - Brain Drain Speaker
Veronika Cigáneková - CE Conference 2022 - Brain Drain Speaker

Veronika Cigáneková

Veronika Cigáneková

Meet Veronika Cigáneková, leader of Nexteria Global HUB. Veronika has many experiences from the non-governmental sector such as leading projects aiming at raising the participation of Slovakia's youth, targeting more than 70 thousand high-schoolers, or co-founding a start-up accelerator focusing on support of social businesses in Slovakia. In Nexteria Global HUB she is working on a project that creates a global community of Slovak's abroad intending to turn brain drain into brain gain. The project now connects more than 150 Slovaks worldwide providing them with attractive opportunities, connecting them to experts, supporting their professional growth as well as providing them with a global community of inspirational peers.

Meet Veronika Cigáneková, leader of Nexteria Global HUB. Veronika has many experiences from the non-governmental sector such as leading projects aiming at raising the participation of Slovakia's youth, targeting more than 70 thousand high-schoolers, or co-founding a start-up accelerator focusing on support of social businesses in Slovakia. In Nexteria Global HUB she is working on a project that creates a global community of Slovak's abroad intending to turn brain drain into brain gain. The project now connects more than 150 Slovaks worldwide providing them with attractive opportunities, connecting them to experts, supporting their professional growth as well as providing them with a global community of inspirational peers.


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