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CE Conference 2022 - Research & Development

Research & Development

How can the private sector and government uphold R&D and contribute to the development of "new industry"?
CE Conference 2022 - Research & Development
Research and development represent the main drivers of technological progress, new product development and rising productivity, which are necessary for stable and sustainable economic growth. Many studies have investigated the relationship between R&D expenditure and GDP growth. And the conclusion is always the same: the level of R&D matters! In 2020, R&D expenditures of countries located within the CEE region totalled 0.84% of GDP, according to Eurostat, while in Germany it was 3.1% of GDP and in the EU27 it was 2.1% of GDP. Without investment in R&D and increasing innovative transformation of traditional business industries, the goal of faster convergence with developed countries will be very difficult to achieve for the CEE region. This workshop will focus on the role of the private sector and governments in an attempt to introduce the innovative economy and move from the period of “assembly line” to the age of knowledge economy within the CEE. Can effective cross-sector collaboration contribute to achieving this rather elusive goal?


Radek Špicar - CE Conference 2022 - Research & Development Speaker
Radek Špicar - CE Conference 2022 - Research & Development Speaker

Radek Špicar


Radek Špicar

Former Executive Director of the Aspen Institute Prague, Radek Špicar is the Vice-President of the Federation of Industry and Transportation of the Czech Republic. He graduated from Cambridge University and then spent one year as a Fulbright scholar at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. After his return to the Czech Republic he joined the government and later became a Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs. He recently worked in the Czech Republic’s largest private company, Škoda Auto (Volkswagen Group), as Head of External Affairs. He is also active in the non-profit sector and academia as a member of the Corporate Council of Václav Havel’s Forum 2000 Foundation, as a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, and at the Diplomatic Academy of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Former Executive Director of the Aspen Institute Prague, Radek Špicar is the Vice-President of the Federation of Industry and Transportation of the Czech Republic. He graduated from Cambridge University and then spent one year as a Fulbright scholar at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. After his return to the Czech Republic he joined the government and later became a Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs. He recently worked in the Czech Republic’s largest private company, Škoda Auto (Volkswagen Group), as Head of External Affairs. He is also active in the non-profit sector and academia as a member of the Corporate Council of Václav Havel’s Forum 2000 Foundation, as a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, and at the Diplomatic Academy of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Martin Mudrak - CE Conference 2022 - Research & Development Speaker
Martin Mudrak - CE Conference 2022 - Research & Development Speaker

Martin Mudrak


Martin Mudrak

Martin drives the Košice City Hall’s Economic and Innovation Development efforts as a Senior Policy Officer. He graduated from P. J. Šafárik University in Košice as a master in Translation and Interpretation for European Institutions and Economy. For several years he worked in the field of IT and Project Management. Since 2015, Martin has been responsible for leading the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia Košice Regional Office, where he was focusing on supporting regional development and cross-sector collaboration, bolstering the local innovation ecosystem and promoting innovative entrepreneurship.

Martin graduated as a master in Translation and Interpretation for European Institutions and Economy at the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. Meanwhile he completed an internship at the European Parliament and worked as a freelancer, offering translation and interpretation services to major corporate clients. For several years he worked in the field of IT and Project Management. Since 2015, Martin has been responsible for leading AmCham Slovakia’s Košice Office, focusing on representing Membership interests, Policy activities and Event Management in the region of Eastern Slovakia. His focus has been supporting regional development and cross-sector collaboration efforts, bolstering the local innovation ecosystem and promoting innovative entrepreneurship.

Gábor Takács-Carvalho - CE Conference 2022 - Research & Development Speaker
Gábor Takács-Carvalho - CE Conference 2022 - Research & Development Speaker

Gábor Takács-Carvalho


Gábor Takács-Carvalho

Gábor Takács-Carvalho has been the Science and Technology Counsellor of the Embassy of Hungary in London since 2018 and held the same position in New York between 2013-2018. Before joining the Hungarian foreign service, he worked as a consultant for high-tech start-ups in New York City. For over 12 years he was a sustainable energy consultant and worked on international projects for the European Commission, USAID, OECD and the Hungarian government on designing and analysing efficiency and renewable energy subsidy schemes, regulations and technologies. He also worked on over a dozen of large scale renewable energy investment projects (biogas, wind, land field gas). Gabor taught environmental economics and European Union studies at Hungarian universities for over 10 years.

Gábor Takács-Carvalho has been the Science and Technology Counsellor of the Embassy of Hungary in London since 2018 and held the same position in New York between 2013-2018. Before joining the Hungarian foreign service, he worked as a consultant for high-tech start-ups in New York City. For over 12 years he was a sustainable energy consultant and worked on international projects for the European Commission, USAID, OECD and the Hungarian government on designing and analysing efficiency and renewable energy subsidy schemes, regulations and technologies. He also worked on over a dozen of large scale renewable energy investment projects (biogas, wind, land field gas). Gabor taught environmental economics and European Union studies at Hungarian universities for over 10 years.


Jakub Dovčík


Jakub Dovčík

Jakub Dovčík is a policy advisor working with the first Chief Innovation Officer of Slovak Republic, at the Research, development and Innovation section of the Government Office. Jakub focuses on various policy and legislative matters related to the interactions of the state with the key sectors of Slovak economy and the reform agenda in the RDI sphere. Previously, he has worked for the strategy and analytical unit of the Slovak Prime Minister’s office and at the analytical institute of Slovak Ministry of Health. He studied technology policy at the University of Cambridge as a Slovak government scholar and prior to that economic anthropology and development economics and London School of Economics and King’s College London.

Jakub Dovčík is a policy advisor working with the first Chief Innovation Officer of Slovak Republic, at the Research, development and Innovation section of the Government Office. Jakub focuses on various policy and legislative matters related to the interactions of the state with the key sectors of Slovak economy and the reform agenda in the RDI sphere. Previously, he has worked for the strategy and analytical unit of the Slovak Prime Minister’s office and at the analytical institute of Slovak Ministry of Health. He studied technology policy at the University of Cambridge as a Slovak government scholar and prior to that economic anthropology and development economics and London School of Economics and King’s College London.


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