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CE Conference 2022 - ExperienCE London


Enter our competiton for high school students to win a free trip to this year's CE Conference! Previously known as Hack to London.
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Responsibility of Media

This is our focus for the competition and will be covered at the conference. We are specifically interested in the role social media plays in our society.
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What is the most alarming effect social media is having on Czech / Slovak society and how would you solve it?*

This is the question for the ExperienCE competition. Social media is affecting our everyday lives in previously unimaginable ways - from its mobilization in elections, through its production of influencer celebrities to its use to spread various conspiracy theories.
* The question may also relate to Poland and Hungary

Start your ExperienCE

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Answer the question

Answer the question above in an authentic manner. Don't be afraid to use your imagination: write an essay, record a video or audio segment. It's up to you!
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Write a letter

Write a short motivational letter showing your interest in our topics, there's plenty to choose from! We would also like to know what you value about the conference.

Fill out the form

Please download and fill out the provided form to give us some background information and parental consent.
Past Deadline

Submit your application

At last, the final step! Click the button to submit all your work and officially enter the competition.
Past Deadline
Application Deadline: 30th January 2022